Еng. Desislava Atanasova - Venkova
The changes in the deformation state of the massive, due to the development of mining works, lead to the need to study and control the deformation processes and protect various underground and surface objects from their influence. In the sections „Varba“ and „Krushev dol“, of „Gorubso-Madan“, with the advancement and penetration of the mine workings, preconditions are created for relocations of the surface, as well as of the rock massif. The used chambers are large in size and the conducted operation, close to capital works, creates a need for observations and analysis of the condition of the massif and the surface facilities. The report presents the observation stations built in the above-mentioned sections. Initial surveying observations have been made, the results of which will be used for comparison with subsequent measurements. Based on the data for realized spatial displacements of the observed landmarks on the earth‘s surface and in the underground workings, the deformation state of the massif at different moments of the observations will be determined.
massive, deformation state, initial surveying observations
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