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Проф. дн Боян Димитриевич, Инж. Боголюб Вучкович, Инж. Радмила Гачина

Геоложките проучвания във Въглищни мини „Колубара” – сръбското най-важно предприятие за добив на лигнитни въглища се провеждат от 1936 г. до наши дни и все още продължават. Извършени са над 7200 сондажа с около 600 000 m ядково сондиране, които показват над 4,1 млрд. t лигнитни запаси, от които са добити 1,15 млрд. t от 1896 г. през XIX до началото XXI век. За последващ минен добив в откритите рудници остават 1,5 млрд. t лигнитни въглища. Около 80 km2 са насипани с отпадъчен материал и още 85 km2 предстои да бъдат насипани. Всички тези маси/площи бяха, са и трябва да бъдат минно и биологично рекултивирани.


открити рудници, рекултивация, лигнитни въглища, геотермална енергия


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2. Milivojevic M., Martinovic M., 2003 : Utilization of Geothermal Energy in Serbia – International Geothermal Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2008.,
3. Martinovic M., Milivojevic M., 2008 : Geothermal Energy Utilization in Serbia – New Aproach – United Nations University, Geothermal Training Programme, 30th Aniversary Workshop, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2008.,
4. Oudech S., Djokic V., 2015 : Geothermal Energy Use, Country Update for Serbia – World Geothermal Congress, Melburne, Australia, 2015.,
5. Vuckovic B., Nesic D., Bogdanovic V., Ilic Z., 2011 : Sustainable Development in Kolubara Coal Mines, Serbia – Non Metallic Resources as a Significant Additional Coal Open Pit’s Income (Possible $ Scenario) – VII International Brown Coal Mining Congress, 13-17 April, Belchatow, Poland, 2011., p. 727- 734.,
6. Vuckovic B., Nesic D., 2011. : Beyond 2010, Sustainable Development in Kolubara Coal Mines, Serbia – SGEM 11th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, 20-25 June, Albena, Bulgaria, 2011., p. 727-734.,
7. Vuckovic B., Nesic D., Andjelkovic N., 2012 : Geological Exploration Investments – What Does it Worth? (Review of Kolubara Coal Mines, Serbia) – SGEM 12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, 17-23 June, Albena, Bulgaria, 2012., p. 593-602,
8. Vuckovic B., Radosavljevic S., Ignjatovic M., Bakic V., 2015 : Investments in Geology Explorations – Results (Review of the Kolubara Coal Mines, Serbia) – 47th IOC, International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 04-06 October, Bor Lake, Bor, Serbia, 2015., p. 41-44,
9. Vuckovic B., Radovanovic B., Petrovic N., 2015 : Kolubara Lignite Combustible Sulfur Environmental Impact – Natural and Atificial Sources Comparison – V Medunarodni simpozijum ”Rudarstvo i zaštita životne sredine, MEP 2015”, 10-23 jun 2015, Vrdnik, Srbija, str 120-129,
10. Vuckovic B., Stojkovic H., Ignjatovic M., Šubaranovic T., 2016 – Comparison of kolubara lignite value (with selected natural and artificial materials) – natural indicators –– XXXII Medunarodno savetovanje ”Energetika 2016”, 22-25. mart. 2016., Zlatibor, Srbija, str. 459-466,
11. Vuckovic B., Stojkovic H., Ignjatovic M., Subaranovic T., Rakijas M., 2016 – Comparison of kolubara lignite value (with selected natural and artificial materials) – natural indicators – 13th International Symposium Continuous Surface Mining ‘’ISCSM 2016’’, 11-14. Sept. 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, p. 657-673. ISBN: 978-86-83497-23-2,
12. Vuckovic B., Ignjatovic M., Rakijaš M., Vuckovic J., Rakijaš S., 2017 – Kolubarski lignit, Vol. IV – energetska vrednost i poredenje sa potencijalom geotermalne energije u kolubarskom ugljonosnom basenu – VIII. Simpozijum sa Medunarodnim ucešcem ”RUDARSTVO 17”, 16-18. maj 2017., Palic, Srbija, str. 51-65, ISBN: 978-86-80420-13-4,
13. Vuckovic B., Rakijas M., Stojkovic H., Vuckovic J., 2017 – Comparison of geothermal energy potential in Kolubara Coal Basin with lignite, Vol. 5 – Energy value and previous geological considerations – VI. International Symposium ‘’Mining and Environmental Protection, MEP 2017’’, 21-24. june 2017., Vrdnik, Serbia, p. 223-229, ISBN: 978-86-7352-298-2,
14. Vuckovic B., Rakijaš M., Vuckovic J., Rakijaš S, 2017 – Potencijal geotermalne energije u kolubarskom ugljonosnom basenu (prethodna razmatranja), Vol. V – 2nd International Symposium Investements and New Technologies in Energy and Mining, 18-19. September 2017., Borsko Jezereo, Srbija, p. 77-86, ISBN: 978-86-80464-07-7,
15. Vuckovic B., Rakijaš M., Vuckovic J., Rakijaš S., 2017 – Geothermal potential of kolubara coal basin (previous review), Vol. V 2nd International Symposium Investements and New Technologies in Energy and Mining, 18-19. September 2017., Borsko Jezereo, Srbija, p. 77-86, ISBN: 978-86-80464-07-7,
16. Vuckovic B., Ignjatovic M., Stojkovic H., T. Šubaranovic, Rakijaš M., G. Dikic – Non-standard approach to land reclamation of excavated areas open pit mines of kolubara mining basin – serbia, sustainable development and possible financial aspects – VI. Counseling with International Participation of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development “ENERGY AND MINING 2018”, 28-30. March 2018, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, p. 10-20, ISBN: 978-86-80420-16-5,
17. Vuckovic B., Dimitrijevic B.: Unvestments in Geological Exploration and Afectation on Mining Operating Cash Costs at Lignite Open Pits Kolubara (Lazarevac), Serbia, Book of Abstracts, 14th International Symposium of Continous Surface Mining ISCSM 2018, pages: 66, Greece, Thessaloniki 23-26 September 2018, Aristotel University Research Dissemination Center,
18. Geological Explorations and Open Pit Activites Affectation in Reclamation Designing in Kolubara Coal Mines (KCM), Serbia, B. Vuckovic, D. Životic, B. Dimitrijevic, Proceedings of the IX INTERNATIONAL Geomechanics CONFERENCE, ISNN: 1314-6467, pages: 315-322, 7-11 September 2020, Varna, Bulgaria,
19. Vuckovic B., Životic D., 2022 – Geological exploration of lignite in the kolubara coal basine, 85 years of geological operations –- 8th Balkan Mining Congress, 28-30. September 2022, Beograd, p. 226-231, ISBN: 978-86-82673-21-7, DOI: 10.25075/BMC.2022.00,
20. Bojan S. Dimitrijevic, Optimization of the Land Reclamation management Process at Coal Open Pit Mines,, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology,, Belgrade 2014,
21. B. Dimitrijevic, SELECTION OF THE LAND RECLAMATION OPTION FOR THE TAMNAVA ZAPADNO POLjE OPEN PIT MINE BY MULTI-ATTRIBUTE ANALYSIS, Proceedings of VII Inrernational Conference COAL 2013, page 37-42, Yugoslav Opencast Mining Cpmmittee of Association of mining and Geological and Engineers of Serbia, Zlatibor, Hotel Palisad, 02-05. October 2013, Serbia,
22. JOURNALS, WWW, DOCUMENTATION CENTER :Alternative Energy Magazine, 2015
23. EPS, Kolubara Coal Mines, Technical & Designing Documents European Environmental Agency, Annual Report 2012
24. EU, South East Europe, Transnational Cooperation Programme, Geo SEE, 2014 : Serbia – State of the Art of Country and Local Situation, 2014
25. Global Wind Electricity Council (GWEC) : Annual report 2014 Renewables Global Status Report, 2012
26. Republika Srbija, Ministarstvo Energetike, Razvoja i Zaštite Životne Sredine, 2013 : Construction of Plants and Electricity/Heat Generation frpm Hydro-Geothermal Sources in the Republic of Serbia, 2013
27. Stanford University Magazine, 2012
28. The International Geothermal Association (IGA), Annual Report 2011. www. © 2025. Всички права запазени.